30 Things I've Learned: #24
-Fall in love with the wrong guy
I've done this a couple of times - as already pointed out in this blog, my life lessons are better learned in 3's. There was always that voice in my head saying "no, not this one, nope. Not right. RUN RUN RUN." I distinctly remember laying in bed with one such guy on my birthday and having the internal monologue "get up, get out" going on repeat. I just rolled over and went to bed. He wasn't a life partner, but he was a life lesson.
What's louder than the voices in my head? The (audible) voices of my friends. The looks of disgust or annoyance or irritation at the numerous head shaking stories I've told. "I don't get it", "he's awful", "he treats you so poorly", "Whitney you could have a million guys and you choose him?". Yes. Yes I did choose him and if I had the chance to go back in time and choose again I'd do exactly the same thing. Because that pound the head against the pavement, anxiety inducing, at times asshole of a guy taught me a LOT. My father leaving basically ensured my thought on men was lower than the bottom feeders in the Ocean and while most would probably assume these guys didn't change that opinion, they actually did. These men all had their own issues, their own personalities and opinions. To group them all into "asshole" category simply because of one thing or another would be missguided and erroneous.
Not everyone is forever. Some are for now. I don't believe that's a bad thing, in fact I'd argue more often times than not that depending on the time in your life it is necessary....
...because all the wrong guys taught me all the right things. Now perhaps I could have left sooner. But as also previously stated, it takes me awhile. Plus the stories, well, the stories are really fucking good.