Dear Humanity, This is my ask

I was recently told that I am low energy when I come to work after going to school. My reply was this, "I respond to humanity. Ask me how I am doing, recognize how hard school is, ask me if I need a coffee or an extra break, talk to me.  Don't make assumptions. Don't dismiss me. Treat me with humanity." It has taken me a long time, my entire adulthood, to cut through the bullshit and ask for what I need. 

The remark got me wondering, when did we start treating "low energy" as a negative? When did we start expecting perfection?  I am working full time, attending an accelerated graduate program full time, and have a boyfriend who goes out on wildland fires for weeks at a time. I can honestly tell you, I am doing the absolute best I am capable. I'm not the only one. I know a woman who wants to be a professional actor but had to move back in with her parents due to family health issues.  My best friend just had a baby and is having difficulty working full time and having a husband who works 80 hours a week.  Another guy works full time, drives for Lyft, and studies coding in his off time so he can hopefully obtain a tech job. The list is endless. The list is everyone. I genuinely believe that most people are doing the best they can.  I genuinely believe that most people go from low to high energy numerous times in a 24 hour timespan. 

I work in a job that is people facing. It can be hard to constantly smile and act a certain way, so I don't. I am myself. The other night I told a guest to please forgive me for not making any sense, I'd just come from grad school and my brain had officially shut down. She laughed and told me she remembered being in grad school. We talked. It was nice, because it was genuine. She had a small child and seemed exhausted as well. We met each other where we were at. No expectation for perfection. 

The other day I walked into a store and the girl helping me seemed completely lost. I asked if she was new, she looked embarrassed and said she was. I smiled and told her we'd figure it out together. The guy who makes my drink at the coffee shop has a grumpy disposition, I crack jokes with him and assume he's got some stuff he's working through, but I feel him trying. 

When did the expectation become perfection? Why do we judge each other so harshly? Low energy means that someone is either doing shit or going through shit, both deserve our compassion. My ask to anyone who steps into a store or a public setting is to try and meet someone where they are at, ask questions, be inquisitive, or at the very least just don't be judgmental. 

Treat people with humanity. 

We're all doing the best we can. 

Whitney Mayfield1 Comment