Bikini Body Ready

I have always sworn I would never do a juice cleanse. There's something about drinking my meal that is less than appealing, I need to chew. However, I leave for Cabo San Lucas in 23 days and in an attempt to "detox" my body from all the toxins have decided to give in and do the juice cleanse. I work out routinely and watch what I eat, but figure this can only help my cause.

With that said it took me 2 hours to get through Juice #1 - some mixture of kale, mint, lemon, and orange. Sounds like it wouldn't taste too bad right? Wrong. Awful. Brutally awful.  But I did it and am determined to do so for the next 2 days. I picked this cleanse since I still get to eat actual food for dinner - ok it's only some steamed veggies and a small protein, but there's chewing involved so I'll take it.

I keep envisioning the two swimsuits I ordered for the trip as motivation to keep on drinking and pretend like carbohydrates don't even exist. Bagels are gross (just go with it).....