Juice Cleanse Completion!!

I successfully completed my juice cleanse!! Below is a recap by day:

Day 1: After sipping the first juice I realized I don't really like vegetable juice (I mean I've always hated V8 juice, so why I thought I'd love kale, mint, and lemon together I have no idea). It took me an hour and a half to get through the first juice. All I wanted was some toast...or a peanut. Something. Anything. The rest of the day was solely about getting through the juices. I didn't really have time to focus on how hungry I was since I was mostly focused on how much I hated the juice. In the afternoon I saw a girl in the breakroom with a nutrigrain bar - almost accosted her for it (I don't even eat nutrigrain bars).  That night I went to yoga, surprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, although it required more energy than normal. Went to bed early due to hunger pains.

Day 2: Had some weird ass dreams (none of which I remember, but lots of color and shapes), however, it was the best sleep I've gotten in a long time. I was thinking Day 2 would be the hardest since I already knew what the juices tasted like and didn't particularly like them. However, much to my surprise, I had a lot of energy. I actually enjoyed the juices and by the end of the day I realized I wasn't tired - at.all. Not even a little bit. I felt fantastic and my insides felt super clean. Sure I had a caffeine headache (no coffee = brutal) and I was definitely hungry, but it was nothing I couldn't live with. I got it in my head that going for a run would be amazing (beautiful day).  I got about 3 blocks in and suddenly it hit me "what.the.fuck.am.I.doing?!?". I knew I needed to just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and breathing.  About halfway through the run my light headedness transformed itself into me seeing everything so clearly....like high as a kite clearly. The sky was so blue, the air was crisp, everything.was.amazing. I wondered if the juice was making me borderline insane (I was kinda already before, so it wouldn't take much). Someone was grilling out - the smell permeated every part of me, it was as if I'd never smelt anything quite like it (and I don't even eat meat). Oh and I had a strange craving for Cheetos (don't eat those either). Yep. Juice was definitely making me insane..... I made it through my run, ate my food, and was in bed by 9:30 - totally exhausted (but good exhausted) and starving.

Day 3: I woke up feeling good on the inside but totally sluggish on the outside. However, I did feel completely calm and relaxed. No anxiety, no anger, no nothing really - just calm (which for anyone who knows me is a rarity/never happens). There are those people who go to ashrams and meditate and completely zen out and see life with so much clarity - I felt like those people.  On the flipside I was in the bathroom and heard someone pass gas and got a tinge of jealousy - there's a lot of peeing on the cleanse..not much else though. I also wanted toast. Badly.

Today: I woke up at 5:30 to work out with my trainer. I wondered how much energy I would have. To my surprise I felt great. I had a piece of toast with some cashew butter on it and it tasted heavenly. My tofu scramble later was a bit more difficult to eat. To my surprise I wasn't ravenously hungry, the food felt differently going down than it had before the cleanse. I also remained full longer than before.  I packed a super healthy salad for lunch and I did get a starbucks latte. It all tastes different - still good - but I have more enjoyment for all of it now.

All in all the cleanse was a huge success and I am sure I'll do one again in the future. The other upside is now the idea of being in a bikini in 3 weeks (in Mexico) doesn't sound awful...well...not quite at least :)