New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions should more often than not be renamed "quickest ways to fail"....A few years back I decided I wanted to come up with meaningful resolutions - things that I couldn't fail at and things that would make me a better human. I shared them with my yoga teacher training group last year and a few seemed to get something from them - and decide to adopt as their own.

By all means......
1. Try something new
2. Learn something new
3. Visit someplace new
4. Have sex someplace new
5. Check something off my things to do before I die list

A friend once told me he was drawn to how "bold" I am. That was one of the best compliments I've received. For awhile there I lost sight of that word - there were other words I'd use to describe myself but no need to get into that.  I'm feeling much more "bold" these days.... hopefully my friend would agree.....

Be different. Be bold. Make 2015 your better human year....