Do you have a Valentine?!?

In elementary school everyone is your Valentine, as an adult you get ONE. The thing I have come to realize is no one is ever content with your relationship status.  When I had a boyfriend it was always "What are you gonna do? What'd he get you? Where you gonna go?? Ohhh he didn't send you flowers, well look at my 7 dozen roses." When single it's "ooohh I'm sorry, that's ok though, it's okay to be alone!". No shit.

There are always those girls though, those "I'm okay on my own" girls. The ones who get their nails painted black, "like their soul". The ones who buy themselves flowers and instagram with a caption of "I am my own Valentine!", the ones who take a picture of one champagne glass and the Notebook - "all I need in life". I love black nails, instagram, and the Notebook, but lets step off the feminist soap box for a day and be honest - flowers, balloons, prosecco - you want SOMETHING, something that says "I'm joining in this mass marketing holiday just for you."

Best Prosecco
I've wanted flowers sent to me for as long as I can remember. I wanted it when I was in school, I wanted them in college, I wanted them sent to my work. I remember in college my kinda sorta boyfriend telling he me might be in the city for Valentine's day. As my day at my internship ended, I bounded out of the building hoping he'd be standing there with balloons (I've always loved them) and flowers. Wrong. Expectation is a real bitch.

This is slightly creepy, but slightly cute
I'm not sure why my parents never sent them to me - other than neither of them celebrated the holiday with each other and weren't really "flower" people. My ex boyfriend and I's anniversary was only a week after V.Day so we never really did much for it. I've never been one who cared a lot about the DAY, I don't need to go to dinner, I don't need a big production - in fact I'd prefer not. But the flowers...

There are 364 other days to post about those black nails and heartless soul. Just admit that it'd be way better to have someone come into your house with flowers vs buying your own. I mean perhaps for me not at this moment because that would mean said person was an intruder - but you get the point. So whether your taken or single, have a boyfriend/girlfriend or tinder time bomb - it's one day. Enjoy it.

I once had a friend who upon hearing my pathetic void of flowers story put paper daisy's on my desk. It was amazing - I dare say almost as good as the real thing. I still have one of them. And's still perhaps it's not really about the flowers afterall....

...Do I have a valentine?

......always and never.