25 things you don't know about me....second dates need not apply

"I've had such an amazing time with you. You're wonderful and we get along great. But I'm never going to see you again am I?"

"No. But I had a great time too!"

First dates are amazing. There is so much excitement, the thrill of getting to know someone, have them ask questions about you, give you compliments that may or may not even apply. It's all so easy, so simple. It's the second...third...fourth date that get to be so complicated. "Tell me about your childhood". Ugh. I'd rather not. I often think about just putting my life together in a powerpoint, handing it to my potential suitor and having them get back to me if they're still interested (although it's important to note, I will have probably lost interest by this point).  It's for this reason that my relationship history is a series of first dates, a serious relationship, a series of first dates, a serious relationship, and back to the first dates.  I know instantly if there is a connection with someone.  I've never been the "let me get to know you" girl. I just know.  Sure I still have to talk about my childhood, eventually, but at least I know if I'm in it for the long haul or just a long night. Recently upon meeting someone I decided to take a different approach.  I sent him a list of 25 things about me - yes I stole it from US Weekly, yes I'm slightly tangential, no I don't care. It was surprisingly hard to come up with 25 not boring, not crazy cuckoo (crazy fun is acceptable) and interesting things.  It turns out you can tell a lot about another person from just 25 things....

1. I've been to the emergency room 3 times.
2. I love sour candy - red sour patch kids specifically.
3. I'll cut a bartender over a drink that's too sweet.  Strong and stronger please.
4. Someone surprised me with Aerosmith tickets. It was the BEST surprise I've ever had. I nearly jumped him with excitement (both the person who gave me the tickets and Steven Tyler).
5. I love surprises. LOVE. THEM. 
6. If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life it'd be red wine.
7. I have an intense and irrational fear of being buried alive.
8. I can sing the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
9. Goat cheese is the reason I will never go vegan.
10. I've never seen a Star Wars movie.
11. I'm obsessed with photography, specifically black and white, specifically musicians.
12. I'd name my kid Dylan Hendricks (boy or girl).
13. I've been "in love" 3 times. 
14. I've been tattoo'd in New York, LA, Dallas, and Oklahoma.
15. I celebrated my 21st birthday and my mom's 60th birthday in Paris. Both were incredible.
16. In high school I was Vice President of the French honor society.
17. My hair caught fire at a high school party when I was 14. I was never invited to another one.
18. I hate lotion on my hands - the look, the feel, the whole process freaks me out.
19. I carried 18-21 hours in college, worked, danced until 4 am roughly 4 (okay 5..maybe 6) nights a week and still graduated a semester early.
20. Yoga changed and saved my life. 
21. I've kissed the Blarney Stone. Yes I know people pee on it.
22. I prefer sleeping alone. Cuddle me. Then leave.
23. Going to culinary school was a close second to going to fashion school. 
24. I want my tombstone to read "She lived. Hard. Often. Always"
25. I do not believe love conquers all. People do.

Turns out you can discover a lot about yourself from coming up with 25 things....

Your turn.