30 Things I've Learned: #21

-Pack Snacks

Airports, Car Rides, Bus trips, for the gym, in your bag, car, hell ANYWHERE. 

I'm militant about packing snacks for trips. It's actually one of my favorite things to do.  I like ensuring that I'll be able to eat what I normally eat even if I'm out of my normal routine. There have been so many times when I've thought, "I'm not going to pack snacks so then I WONT eat" (most faulty female logic ever) and then I end up buying complete crap. One of my girlfriends who found herself in a smiliar situation at an airport ended up buying combos. Those tubular cracker meets cookie that is stuffed with some strange combination of everything processed and could most likely explode in a chemistry class. They were pizza flavored. I vomited a little in my mouth upon hearing this story.  (She found them quite tasty). 

One of my friends tells a pretty hilarious story of her dad only buying cargo shorts so he can always make sure he has snacks because "you never know when you might get hungry". I love this philosophy.  I always have a kind bar or nuts packed in my handbag. I used to get made fun of for my packing of the snacks, until that moment when, "I'm sooooooooo huuuuunggrrrrrrrrry" is inevitably whined by someone.  I throw them a granola bar and get "you're a lifesaver"..... 

unless of course you're my friend...and pizza flavored combos are exactly what you're craving.